Our Parish Mission Statement: As parishioners of St. Agnes, we live our life of allegiance to Jesus Christ; to serve Him faithfully with love and commitment through prayer, through community, and through service, to seek the face of the living God.
Easter stands at the heart of our faith for risen Christ is the starting point of Christianity. It is the central theme of the preaching of the apostles. Easter faith happened not only with the many appearances of the risen Lord to the disciples but also with his eating and drinking with them. The apostles and disciples saw, touched and experienced the risen Lord. Resurrection experience brought in a complete turnaround in the disciples; the fear-stricken disciples began boldly to proclaiming the resurrection of the Lord.
Resurrection makes a major statement about life. It tells us that there is hope beyond the pain and despair in life. It says that, ‘you may be able to put truth in the grave, but it will not stay there forever’. It is an endorsement of everything that Jesus had claimed and taught. He said to Martha, “I am the resurrection and life”; He is the eternal life. Resurrection of Jesus is historical truth which is to be embraced by faith. His resurrection is not simply a dead body receiving life back but is a transformed existence. The physical body is transformed into spiritual and glorious existence, where death has no longer any power over it.
Newness of life is the message of Easter. Jesus’ resurrection points to the fact that life ends in victory not in defeat. It also tells us that we are not journeying to sunset, but we are travelling to sunrise and dawn. We go from incomplete to complete, from imperfection to perfection, from time to eternity. This great event is the cause of our salvation. The risen Lord has rolled away the stone of sin and death from our lives and has given us the assurance that we too share the glorious transformation. In order to share the similar destiny we have to accept Him as Lord and savior and walk His way. We have to let go of the ‘burial cloth’ of sin and selfishness and embrace ‘Christ our Light’ in order to bring the Easter message in and around us.
Fr. Newton
Sunday Mass: Saturday - 5:00 pm Sunday - 10:00 am
Daily Mass: Tuesday - 6:30 pm Wednesday - 6:30 pm Thursday - 9:00 am Friday - 9:00 am Saturday - 9:00 am
The Rosary will be prayed 20 minutes before each Mass
Reconciliation Saturdays 4:00-4:45pm or by appointment
Prayer Circle
To request prayers or to join the circle, please contact: Shirley Shultz (403-335-4581)